Lockdown Stories in Felt

The North Wales Feltmakers group, together since 2017, felt hard hit by the cancellation of their meetings during the Covid lockdowns. They started getting together on zoom and even expanded their reach with new members joining from further afield.

Their winter project was to each share their personal lockdown stories on an 8″ square felt. Four fabulous wall hangings were the result of their creative work.

Group members Ronny White and Helen Melvin approached the hospice and generously offered the wallhangings to decorate our Wellbeing Hwb. Jane McGrath, Matron, was delighted to showcase such a colourful and meaningful display on the walls. They have become a talking point for patients and visitors.

Each felt varies from square to square. Most use the process of wet-felting, where layers of wool tops are laid out, dampened down then the surface is decorated with wool or silk fibres. The fabric is then rolled to become a more solid fabric.

We will share more stories and photos of the felts on our Facebook page. Please like our page to stay up to date with all hospice news.