Board of Trustees and Management Team

Organisational Chart 2024

The day to day management of the hospice is undertaken by our Executive Management Team consisting of:

Jane McGrath –  Chief Executive

Victoria Grimster – Matron

Joyce Bellingham – Operations Manager

Nichola McGowan –  Finance Manager

Mandy O’Hara – Head of Income Generation, Marketing and Communications

The Executive Management Team is accountable to the Board of Trustees.

Trustees at St Kentigern Hospice

The Board ensure good governance and a clear strategic direction of patient services and funding strategies. St Kentigern Hospice is fortunate to have a committed Board of Trustees that consists of volunteers from a variety of professions with a wide range of skills and experience.

Steve Thomas – Chair at St Kentigern Hospice since March 2023

Jonathan Osborne – Vice Chair, Board Trustee, Quality and Safety Committee Chairperson, Audit and Governance Committee Chairperson 

Judith Owen –  Chair of Finance Committee, Treasurer, Board trustee and General Purposes Committee Member 

Gren Kershaw – Chair of General Purposes Committee, Board Trustee, Finance Committee member

John Griffith Thomas – Board Trustee, Finance and Audit and Governance Committees

Dr Uday Bisarya – Board Trustee, Quality and Safety Committee Member

Randal Owen – Board Trustee and Finance Committee Member

Adrian Thomas – Board Trustee, Quality and Safety member

Rhian Williams – Board Trustee, General Purpose Committee member

Rhian Clarke – Board Trustee, Audit and Governance Committee member

Glyn Jones OBE – Board Trustee, Audit and Governance Committee member, General Purpose Committee member

Angela Hind Board Trustee, Quality and Safety Committee Member

Fiona Irving – Board Trustee, Quality and Safety Committee Member