Management Team

Organisational Chart 2024

The day to day management of the hospice is undertaken by our Executive Management Team consisting of:

Jane McGrath –  Chief Executive

Vacant post – Matron

Joyce Bellingham – Operations Manager

Nichola McGowan –  Finance Manager

Mandy O’Hara – Head of Income Generation, Marketing and Communications

The Executive Management Team is accountable to the Board of Trustees.

Trustees at St Kentigern Hospice

All of our Trustees are unpaid volunteers who have a wide range of skills and backgrounds, bringing expertise from the private, public and charity sectors.

Steve Thomas – Board Chair at St Kentigern Hospice since March 2023

Judith Owen – Board trustee, Treasurer, Finance Committee Chairperson and General Purposes Committee Member 

Jonathan Osborne – Vice Chair, Board Trustee, Quality and Safety Committee Chairperson, Audit and Governance Committee Chairperson 

Randal Owen – Board Trustee and Finance Committee Member

Uday Bisarya – Board Trustee, Quality and Safety Committee Member

Angela Hind – Board Trustee, Quality and Safety Committee Member

Gren Kershaw – Board Trustee, Chair of General Purposes Committee, Finance Committee member

Glyn Jones – Board Trustee, Audit and Governance Committee member, General Purpose Committee member

John Griffith Thomas – Board Trustee, Finance and Audit and Governance Committees

Adrian Thomas – Board Trustee, General Purpose Committee member

Rhian Williams – Board Trustee, General Purpose Committee member

Rhian Clarke – Board Trustee, Audit and Governance Committee member

Meet our Trustees