St Kentigern Hospice is joining Dying Matters Awareness Week from 8-14 May to encourage the local community to get talking about death, dying and grief. The national campaign works to open up conversations around death and dying.
Dying Matters Awareness Week is the perfect chance for communities to talk about death and grief in whatever way works for them. We spend so much of our lives at work and we shouldn’t have to hide our experiences of death and dying from our colleagues, peers, and bosses.
By talking to those around you, you can help us make sure that workplaces are properly set up to support people who are ill, who are caring for those around them, or who have lost someone close to them.
This week St Kentigern Hospice will be focusing on ‘Compassionate Superpowers’ and what everyone can do to help have meaningful and compassionate conversations with other people, at work and outside about death, dying and grief.
Whether you’re stronger in some superpowers than others, or not, they are all skills which can be learned and practised. Together we will look at how we can utilize them at the most challenging times in people’s lives.
Follow us on social media to learn more about “Compassionate Superpowers”. We will be looking closely at each superpower and how anyone can make a difference when talking about death.
Imogen Thomas, Senior Brand and Campaigns Manager at Hospice UK said: “If we struggle to talk about death and grief, how can we react with compassion when our colleagues and friends need support?
“Dying Matters Awareness Week is a great way for communities across the UK to get this conversation started. If dying matters, then it matters at work too. By bringing people together, you can help us get the UK talking about death and grief in the workplace and in society more widely.”
#DyingMattersAwarenessWeek is a chance for people to get talking in whatever way, shape or form works for them. Follow @stkentigernhospice for more information.