Referals to clincial services are discussed daily and made by health care professionals.
Making a referral
The Hospice provides quality care encompassing the philosophy of respecting the needs of patients and their families or carers. Referrals for assessment and complex symptom management, end of life care and planned respite can be made to access the Wellbeing Hwb and Inpatient Services. Referrals are triaged daily for levels of urgency, and will be discussed with the referrer.
Referrals are made by health care professionals, this may include the specialist palliative care team within the hospital or community, General Practitioners, District Nurses, and Clinical Nurse specialists.
By Telephone
For telephone referrals, please call 01745 585221.
By Email
Download our Hospice referral form and email referral form to: referrals@stkentigernhospice.org.uk

St Kentigern Hospice
Every year we care for approximately 500 people with life-limiting illnesses across central North Wales. We not only support our patients, but also their families and carers.
We tailor our care to meet the individual needs of every patient, improving their quality of life and promoting dignity.
Although our care is given freely, it is not without cost. Every donation, however small or large makes a positive difference.