Family Support Services
We provide emotional support for those affected by or bereaved through a life limiting illness. This is accessible for those with relatives receiving clinical care at St Kentigern Hospice only.
What Support Services do we offer?
The Family Support Service at St Kentigern Hospice provides emotional and psychological support for those affected by or bereaved through a life limiting illness. This is accessible for those with relatives receiving clinical care at St Kentigern Hospice only.
Bereavement Support
We offer comprehensive bereavement support service for all ages to accommodate individual needs. Informal support is available by telephone or face to face in the Hospice. This can be especially helpful for those who are experiencing delayed or complicated grief. We offer pre-bereavement support for the patient, their family and friends and post-bereavement support including one to one counselling, family therapy and telephone and virtual appointments with our counsellor. Find support in dealing with the following:
• The shock of diagnosis
• Feelings of isolation after treatment
• Feelings of uncertainty while in remission
• Own and other people’s expectations about getting back to normal
• The losses which illness brings
• Coming to terms with progressive illness
• Helping children to understand terminal illness

St Kentigern Hospice
Every year we care for approximately 500 people with life-limiting illnesses across central North Wales. We not only support our patients, but also their families and carers.
We tailor our care to meet the individual needs of every patient, improving their quality of life and promoting dignity.
Although our care is given freely, it is not without cost. Every donation, however small or large makes a positive difference.