Gift Aid
Gift Aid is a government scheme that allows charities to claim an extra 25p for every £1 donated by taxpayers. You can make your donation online, by post or in person. Gift Aid is a simple, effective way to make your donations go further.
What is Gift Aid?
Gift Aid is a scheme that allows UK charities to claim an extra 25p for every £1 donated by taxpayers. This means that if you donate £10 to a charity through Gift Aid, the charity will actually receive £12.50.
To be eligible for Gift Aid, you need to be a UK taxpayer and have paid enough tax for the financial year to cover the amount being claimed by the charity. You also need to provide the charity with a Gift Aid declaration, either in writing or online, confirming that you are happy for them to claim Gift Aid on your donations. Gift Aid can be claimed on a range of donations, including cash donations, payments made by cheque or bank transfer, and even donations made through crowdfunding platforms.
The extra 25% that charities receive through Gift Aid can make a huge difference to their fundraising efforts. For smaller charities, it can mean the difference between being able to provide a vital service or not. For larger charities, it can help them to expand their operations and reach even more people in need.
Gift Aid is a simple, effective way to make your donations go further and provide even more support for the causes and charities you care about. So the next time you donate to a UK charity, make sure to look into Gift Aid and see if you can boost your donation with just a few extra clicks.
How do I make a Gift Aid declaration?
1. Choose a Registered Charity
To make a Gift Aid donation, you need to make sure that the charity you are donating to is a registered charity. Registered charities have a charity number, which you can check on the Charity Commission website. Our registered charity number is 519931
2. Make your Donation
Once you have selected your charity, you can make your donation online, by post or in person. Make sure to keep a record of your donation. If you’re donating through a website, you’ll be able to check the Gift Aid declaration box when you’re making your donation.
3. Complete the Gift Aid Declaration
When you make a donation, you’ll be asked to complete a Gift Aid declaration, which is a simple form that asks for details such as your name, address, and the amount of your donation. You will be asked to confirm that you are a UK taxpayer, and that you are happy for the charity to reclaim the tax on your donation.
4. Confirmation
Once you have completed the Gift Aid declaration, the charity will ask you to confirm that you understand that the charity will receive tax from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) in your name. Once you have agreed to this, your donation will be processed, and the charity will receive an additional 25% of your donation through Gift Aid.
In conclusion, making a Gift Aid donation is a simple way to increase your donations to charities. By following these simple steps, you can make sure that your gift goes further, helping the charity to achieve its goals and make a real difference in the world.